opal gemstone

Opal: How This Gemstone Will Promote Calmness & Healing!

Opal is a unique gemstone known for its vibrant play of colors. It symbolizes inspiration, creativity, and emotional healing.

What’s special about opal gemstone?

This is a captivating gemstone prized for its mesmerizing play of colors, known as “play-of-color.” Unlike some of other gemstones that have a single dominant hue, it displays a spectrum of hues that shift and dance when viewed from different angles, creating a captivating and dynamic visual effect. This phenomenon is caused by the diffraction of light within microscopic silica spheres that make up the gemstone’s structure.

They are found in a range of base colors, including white, black, and fire opal with their characteristic orange-red hue. They are often associated with diverse cultural meanings, symbolizing traits such as creativity, inspiration, and emotional healing.

However, these gemstones are also known to be delicate gemstones, requiring special care due to their relatively low hardness and vulnerability to dehydration, which can cause cracks and loss of play-of-color.

Despite this, they remain highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts for their unique and iridescent beauty, making them a one-of-a-kind addition to the world of gemstones.

What are the benefits of wearing opal gemstone?

Wearing the gemstone offers a range of benefits. It enhances creativity and inspire imaginative thinking, making it popular among artists and those seeking to unlock their creative potential. It is also associated with emotional healing, promoting calmness and relieving stress. It improves communication skills, fostering better relationships and understanding.

Its connection to spiritual growth and intuition also for self-discovery. Some consider it to be a symbol of luck and prosperity, attracting positive opportunities. Additionally, it offers protective qualities by repelling negativity.

Which zodiac can wear opal gemstone?

This gemstone is considered the birthstone for the zodiac sign Libra (September 23 – October 22). It resonates well with Libra’s harmonious and diplomatic nature. It can enhance Libra’s innate ability to balance and navigate relationships while promoting open communication and understanding.

The play of colors is thought to complement Libra’s appreciation for beauty and aesthetic appeal. However, individuals of other zodiac signs can also wear opal as it may resonate with their unique qualities.

Can you wear opal gemstone everyday?

Wearing this gemstones every day requires caution. They are relatively delicate and sensitive to temperature, humidity, and physical impact. Choose protective settings and remove them during activities that expose them to extreme conditions.

Gently clean with running water and avoid harsh chemicals. Store the jewelry in a cool, dry place to prevent dehydration. If you’re mindful of care and protection, daily wear is possible. However, consider rotating the jewelry to reduce wear and tear.

What chakra is for opal gemstone?

The gemstones are often associated with the Crown Chakra, which is the seventh chakra in the body’s energy system according to some spiritual and metaphysical belief systems. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with higher consciousness, spiritual awareness, and a connection to the divine.

This gemstone helps to align and activate the Crown Chakra, facilitating the flow of energy and promoting a deeper connection to one’s inner wisdom and higher self. This alignment enhances spiritual growth, intuition, and a sense of purpose.

Different colors may also be associated with other chakras; for instance, white opal might resonate with the Crown Chakra, while black opal could relate to the Root Chakra due to its grounding properties.

Which hand do you wear an opal gemstone ring on?

The gemstone ring is advised to wear on the dominant hand. For the majority of people who are right-handed, the right hand is considered the dominant hand. Similarly, for left-handed individuals, the left hand is the dominant one. Wearing the ring on your dominant hand is to enhance the gemstone’s energies and benefits.

Wearing the gemstone ring can also be influenced by the different purpose of the jewelry, such as engagement or marriage ring. Ultimately, the hand you choose to wear an ring on should be based on your comfort and what feels right for you.

Can I wash hands with opal gemstone ring?

It is advisable to minimize its exposure to water and soaps. This gemstone can be sensitive to moisture, temperature changes, and chemicals. To protect your ring, use lukewarm water and a mild, gentle soap when washing your hands.

After washing, pat your hands dry instead of rubbing the ring against a towel, as friction could potentially cause damage. To maintain the its luster and longevity, it’s best to remove the ring before activities involving excessive water or potential impact.

Does sunlight damage opal?

Yes, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can potentially damage the gemstone. Opal itself contain water molecules, and excessive heat and UV radiation from sunlight can cause it to lose moisture, leading to cracks, color fading, and a diminished play of color.

To preserve the beauty and integrity of the gemstone, it’s best to avoid exposing them to prolonged sunlight or extreme temperature changes. Store the jewelry in a cool, dry place when not wearing them, and shield them from intense sunlight to maintain their vibrant colors and unique optical effects.

Read next: Pearl: Elevate Your Intuition With This Moon and Water Element Gemstone!