Rainbow Obsidian Gemstone

Rainbow Obsidian: Discover Your True Inner Peace with this Powerful Volcanic Gemstone!

What is rainbow obsidian gemstone good for?

Rainbow obsidian is a captivating gemstone known for its unique iridescent sheen and its powerful metaphysical properties. Rainbow obsidian helps to heal emotional wounds and traumas by allowing individuals to confront and release buried feelings. It promotes emotional balance and self-acceptance.

Rainbow obsidian gemstone is also a protective gemstone, guarding against negativity and psychic attacks. Its reflective surface deflects negative energy and promote a sense of security. This gemstone can also cleanse the root chakra, which helps to balance the energy flow in the body, fostering a sense of stability and grounding energy.

It is associated with insight and self-discovery. It encourages introspection and helps individuals gain clarity on their life’s purpose. Some people use this gemstone to enhance their creative abilities and inspiration, as its unique play of colors can stimulate artistic expression.

Is rainbow obsidian gemstone natural?

Rainbow obsidian can be either natural or man-made.

  1. Natural Rainbow Obsidian: This type of rainbow obsidian forms naturally from volcanic processes. It occurs when molten lava cools rapidly, trapping microscopic mineral impurities within the obsidian glass. The colors and iridescence in natural rainbow obsidian are a result of these mineral inclusions and the play of light on their surfaces. Natural rainbow obsidian is highly regarded for its authenticity and is often used in jewelry and spiritual practices.
  2. Man-Made Rainbow Obsidian: Some rainbow obsidian on the market is artificially created by heating and treating regular black obsidian. This treatment can enhance the iridescence and produce rainbow-like colors on the surface. While man-made rainbow obsidian can be visually similar to the natural variety, it is typically considered less valuable in the gemstone market.

Is rainbow black obsidian gemstone the same as rainbow obsidian gemstone?

Yes, “Rainbow Black Obsidian” and “Rainbow Obsidian” are often used interchangeably to refer to the same type of obsidian. Both terms describe a variety of obsidian that has a black or dark brown base color and exhibits colorful iridescent bands or spots, creating a rainbow-like effect when viewed under certain lighting conditions. The rainbow-like colors are caused by the presence of tiny mineral inclusions within the obsidian, which diffract and reflect light, producing the iridescence.

So, whether you call it rainbow black obsidian or rainbow obsidian, they are referred to the same gemstone variety. This type of obsidian is valued for its unique visual appeal and its metaphysical properties, including emotional healing, balance, and protection, which combine the grounding qualities of regular black obsidian with the added energies of the rainbow-like colors.

Is rainbow obsidian gemstone rare?

Rainbow obsidian is not as rare as some of the other gemstones, but it is less common than some other varieties of obsidian, such as black obsidian or snowflake obsidian. Its relative scarcity compared to these more widely available obsidian types can make rainbow obsidian somewhat less common in the market.

The presence of the characteristic iridescent bands or spots in in this gemstone depends on the specific mineral inclusions and their distribution within the stone. This means that not all specimens of obsidian will display the rainbow-like effect, further contributing to its relative rarity.

The availability of the gemstone can also vary by location and source. Some regions may have more abundant deposits of rainbow obsidian than others, and it may be more readily available in areas where it is actively mined or collected.

Its unique visual appeal and metaphysical properties make it a sought-after choice for collectors, jewelry makers, and those interested in its spiritual and healing attributes.

What is the rarest color of obsidian gemstone?

The rarity of colors in obsidian can vary depending on the specific type and location of the deposit. However, one of the rarest colors of obsidian is generally considered to be “Fire Obsidian.” Fire obsidian is known for its vibrant and iridescent play of colors, including red, orange, gold, and green.

The striking iridescence in fire obsidian is caused by the presence of nano-sized gas bubbles or mineral platelets that create interference patterns when light passes through them. This results in the dazzling display of colors on the surface of the stone.

Fire obsidian is not commonly found and is primarily associated with deposits in the United States, particularly in the state of Oregon. Even within these deposits, specimens with intense and well-defined iridescence can be relatively rare.

Other colors of obsidian, such as rainbow obsidian, which exhibits a range of colors including green, blue, and purple, can also be considered relatively rare compared to the more common black or snowflake obsidian varieties.

Does rainbow obsidian gemstone protect you?

Rainbow gemstone has protective qualities, much like regular black obsidian. However, its unique iridescent properties provide extra layer of energy protection.

Rainbow obsidian acts as a protective shield against negative energies, including psychic attacks and negative emotions. Its reflective surface is believed to deflect negativity away from the wearer or user. Like other obsidian varieties, rainbow obsidian have the ability to absorb and cleanse negative energies and emotional baggage. It is believed to help release and transmute these energies, promoting a sense of purification and clarity.

This gemstone is associated with balancing and grounding energies. This balance can help individuals feel more centered and protected against external disturbances. Some practitioners use rainbow obsidian to align and cleanse the chakras, particularly the root chakra, which is related to feelings of safety and security. A balanced root chakra can enhance a sense of protection.

What are the different powers between obsidian and rainbow obsidian gemstones?

Obsidian and rainbow obsidian are both varieties of volcanic glass, and while they share some common properties due to their composition, they are often associated with different metaphysical and healing powers.

Both black obsidian and rainbow obsidian share protective qualities, black obsidian is often sought after for its intense grounding and emotional healing properties. rainbow, on the other hand, combines protection with the added dimensions of emotional balance, chakra alignment, and the joyful energy of its iridescent colors. The choice between the two may depend on the specific healing or spiritual goals one wishes to achieve.

Can rainbow obsidian gemstone go in the sun?

Rainbow gemstone is generally safe to be exposed to sunlight. However, extended or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause its iridescent sheen to fade over time. To preserve its rainbow-like colors and energy, it’s advisable to limit its exposure to strong sunlight and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use. This will help maintain the stone’s vibrancy and ensure it continues to radiate its unique energies for healing and protection.

Is rainbow obsidian gemstone safe in water?

Rainbow gemstone is generally safe to briefly come into contact with water, such as during cleaning or rinsing. However, it’s not recommended to immerse the gemstone in water for extended periods or soak it, as excessive moisture can potentially damage its luster or affect its surface over time. To clean the gemstone, simply use a soft cloth or a gentle cleaning solution and pat it dry afterward. Avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning agents that could alter it’s appearance or energy.

Read next: Serpentine: This Gemstone can Enhance Your Intuition and Transform Your Life.