Tanzanite Gemstone

Tanzanite: Enhance Your Higher Consciousness with this Rare Gemstone!

Tanzanite gemstone is found in only one place on Earth, the Merelani Hills of Tanzania, making it exceptionally rare. Its limited geographic occurrence adds to its allure and exclusivity. It exhibits a unique color range that includes various shades of blue and violet, often described as “cornflower blue” or “sapphire blue.” This distinctive color sets it apart from other gemstones and makes it highly desirable.

Why is tanzanite gemstone so special?

Tanzanite is trichroic, which means it can display different colors when viewed from different angles. This property adds depth and complexity to its appearance, enhancing its aesthetic appeal. This is the ability of the gemstone to show different colors depending on the direction of light. It can display blue, violet, or burgundy hues, depending on how it’s oriented, making it visually captivating.

It has a high refractive index, which means it exhibits excellent sparkle and brilliance when cut and polished by skilled artisans. This gemstone is often associated with the Maasai people of Tanzania, as the discovery occurred in the heart of Maasai territory. This cultural connection adds sentimental value and interest to the gemstone.

Although this gemstone was discovered relatively recently in 1967, the mines in Tanzania are depleting, and there is ongoing concern about the finite supply of this gemstone. As the supply diminishes, the rarity and value of tanzanite are expected to increase.

It typically exhibits a vitreous to oily luster, which enhances its visual appeal and makes it suitable for various types of jewelry. Due to its rarity and the potential for its supply to run out in the future, some collectors and investors view tanzanite as a valuable and potentially profitable gemstone to acquire.

What does a tanzanite gemstone symbolize?

This gemstone symbolizes a blend of rarity, uniqueness, and elegance. Their striking blue and violet hues evoke a sense of calm and serenity, making them symbols of tranquility and emotional balance. It’s limited source adds an element of exclusivity, signifying the beauty and wonder of nature’s creations. The gemstone’s trichroism and pleochroism remind us of life’s multifaceted nature, encouraging us to embrace change and adaptability.

This gemstone also symbolizes spirituality and higher consciousness due to its association with the Maasai culture from Tanzania. It embodies the idea of growth and transformation, akin to the transformation of raw crystal into a dazzling gem through cutting and polishing. In this sense, it serves as a reminder of the potential within us all to evolve, shine, and reveal our inner beauty when we apply effort and care.

What chakra is tanzanite gemstone good for?

It is associated with the Third Eye chakra, which is located between the eyebrows. This chakra is linked to intuition, insight, perception, and spiritual awareness. The gemstone’s vibrant blue and violet hues resonate with the energy of the Third Eye chakra, promoting clarity of thought, enhancing psychic abilities, and facilitating a deeper connection to one’s inner wisdom.

It encourages individuals to trust their intuition and make insightful decisions. The gemstone’s connection to this chakra to aid in meditation, heightening one’s spiritual journey and expanding their consciousness, fostering a sense of inner peace and enlightenment.

What does tanzanite gemstone protect you from?

This gemstone is not traditionally associated with protective properties in the same way that some other gemstones, like black tourmaline or obsidian, are known for their protective qualities. Instead, it is celebrated for its ability to enhance one’s inner strength, intuition, and spiritual awareness.

This gemstone can be seen as providing a form of protection by promoting qualities such as clarity of thought, insight, and emotional balance. By helping individuals connect with their inner wisdom and higher consciousness, it may indirectly protect them from making impulsive or ill-informed decisions. It encourages a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s surroundings, potentially shielding against ignorance and confusion.

Furthermore, the sense of peace and serenity associated with its soothing colors can promote emotional well-being, reducing stress and anxiety, which can be seen as a form of protection against the detrimental effects of prolonged stress on one’s health and overall life quality.

Can you wear tanzanite gemstone everyday?

It is relatively soft compared to some other gemstones, with a hardness of around 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. While you can wear the jewelry every day, there are some important considerations to keep in mind by ensuring that the gemstone is securely set in its jewelry mounting. Properly crafted settings will help protect the gem from physical damage and reduce the risk of it getting knocked or bumped.

Although this gemstone is harder than other gemstones, it can still be scratched or chipped by harder materials. Be cautious when engaging in activities that might subject the gem to impact or abrasion.

The gemstone can be sensitive to rapid temperature changes. Avoid exposing it to extreme heat or sudden temperature variations, as this can lead to thermal shock and potentially damage the gemstone. Make sure to clean your jewelry with running warm water while using a soft brush to remove dirt. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the stone.

In summary, while you can wear tanzanite jewelry daily, it’s important to treat it with care and take precautions to protect it from potential damage. Regular maintenance and proper handling will help ensure your jewelry remains beautiful and in good condition.

Who should wear tanzanite gemstone?

It is a gemstone that can be worn by individuals seeking spiritual growth, enhanced intuition, and emotional balance. It is often associated with the Third Eye chakra, making it suitable for those interested in deepening their spiritual practices and intuition.

People looking to cultivate clarity of thought, make insightful decisions, and embrace inner wisdom can benefit from wearing the gemstone. Additionally, individuals who are drawn to its unique and captivating beauty may choose to wear it for its aesthetic appeal.

It’s essential to select gemstones based on personal resonance and intention in their metaphysical properties.

Is tanzanite a valuable gemstone?

This is a valuable gemstone, primarily due to its rarity and unique color, other several factors contribute to its value. It is found in only one location on Earth, the Merelani Hills of Tanzania. This limited source makes it exceptionally rare compared to other gemstones.

Its vivid blue and violet hues are highly prized, and the stone’s ability to exhibit trichroism and pleochroism adds to its desirability. This gemstone has gained popularity in the jewelry market, which has driven up demand and prices.

Over the years, concerns about the finite supply of the gemstone have grown as the mines in Tanzania have been depleting. This anticipation of a diminishing supply can also impact its value. Like other gemstones, its value depends on factors such as size, clarity, cut, and overall quality.

It’s important to note that the value of this gemstone can vary significantly depending on these factors, with larger, higher quality gemstones being the most valuable. If you’re considering purchasing tanzanite as an investment or for its aesthetic appeal, it’s essential to consult with a reputable jeweler or gemologist to ensure you make an informed choice.

Whose birthstone is tanzanite gemstone?

This gemstone is a popular modern birthstone for the month of December. This association is based on its beautiful blue and violet hues, which are reminiscent of the cool and crisp December winter weather in many parts of the world.

Which zodiac should wear tanzanite gemstone?

The zodiac signs associated with this gemstone are Sagittarius and Capricorn.

For Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

  1. Balancing Ambition: Capricorns are known for their ambition and strong work ethic. Tanzanite’s calming energy can help Capricorns balance their drive for success with a sense of inner peace and emotional well-being.
  2. Enhancing Decision-Making: Capricorns’ practicality can benefit from tanzanite’s reputed ability to enhance clarity of thought and intuition. It may assist in making sound decisions, both in their career and personal life.
  3. Stress Reduction: Capricorns may experience stress due to their high expectations of themselves. Tanzanite’s soothing properties can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

For Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

  1. Enhancing Intuition: Sagittarius individuals, known for their adventurous and open-minded nature, may find tanzanite’s connection to the Third Eye chakra useful in enhancing their intuition and spiritual awareness.
  2. Balancing Optimism: This gemstone can help balance Sagittarius’ natural optimism and enthusiasm with a deeper understanding of the world around them. It may promote a more holistic view of life.
  3. Promoting Wisdom: Sagittarians often seek knowledge and wisdom. Tanzanite’s association with mental clarity and insight can assist in their pursuit of wisdom and personal growth.

Does tanzanite gemstone break easily?

It is relatively softer than some of the other gemstones, with a hardness of approximately 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. While it’s not as prone to breakage as extremely soft stones, like opal, it can still chip or break when subjected to sharp impacts or pressure.

It can also be sensitive to thermal shock caused by rapid temperature changes, potentially resulting in fractures. To prevent damage, it’s crucial to handle the gemstone with care, store it separately to avoid scratching, and avoid exposing it to extreme heat or sudden temperature fluctuations. Regular maintenance and gentle cleaning can help preserve its beauty.

Does tanzanite gemstone fade?

Tanzanite gemstones are generally stable in color under normal wear and exposure to light. However, some of these gemstones may exhibit a phenomenon known as “zonation”, also known as “color zoning”, where different parts of the gemstone appear to have varying colors. This can create the impression of fading when the gemstone is rotated or viewed from different angles.

While this zonation is a natural characteristic of some tanzanites, it’s important to note that prolonged and direct exposure to intense sunlight or heat can potentially cause a temporary color change or fading. To preserve the natural color of the gemstone, it’s best to store it away from direct sunlight and avoid high-temperature environments.

Can tanzanite gemstone go in water?

Tanzanite gemstones are generally safe to be cleaned with water. However, there are a few precautions to keep in mind. It should not be soaked in water for extended periods, as prolonged exposure to water can damage the gemstone. It is also advisable to avoid using hot water, as rapid temperature changes can cause stress and lead to fractures.

Additionally, avoid using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners when cleaning tanzanite, as these can harm the gemstone. A warm water with a soft brush are typically sufficient for cleaning. After cleaning, be sure to rinse and dry the gemstone thoroughly to prevent water spots.

Which chakra is tanzanite gemstone?

Tanzanite gemstone is associated with the Third Eye chakra. This chakra is located in the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is linked to intuition, insight, perception, and spiritual awareness. The gemstone’s vibrant blue and violet hues resonate with the energy of the Third Eye chakra, making it a popular choice for those interested in enhancing their spiritual and intuitive abilities.

Wearing tanzanite or meditating with tanzanite can help balance and activate the Third Eye chakra, promoting clarity of thought, inner wisdom, and heightened spiritual perception.

Which country has the best tanzanite gemstone?

Tanzanite gemstone is exclusively found in one location on Earth, which is Tanzania. It is primarily mined in the Merelani Hills near the city of Arusha in northern Tanzania. Therefore, Tanzania is the only country where tanzanite is naturally sourced, and it is known for producing some of the world’s finest tanzanite gemstones.

Within Tanzania, the Merelani Hills region is where the majority of high-quality tanzanite is extracted. The unique geological conditions in this area have given rise to the exceptional blue and violet hues that make the gemstone so highly prized.

So, when it comes to tanzanite, Tanzania is undoubtedly the best and only source of this beautiful gemstone.

Read next: Sunstone: Boost Your Confidence and Ambition with This Powerful Gemstone!